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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Camp NaNoWriMo - Week 4

I wish I could say that I'm dashing toward the 50,000 mark, but that wouldn't be the truth. There have been too many interruptions not to mention everything I have to do for the anthology I'm editing so it will be ready by the publishers deadline. On the up side my next novel has gotten a healthy start and I'll be able to get the first draft finished more easily. Not to mention the short stories I've managed to get submitted. So while I'm not hitting the final word goal, at least I had some limited success that will help me complete my next novel. One last thing I'll share - I did have a virtual pitch session with an editor for the Love Inspired line at Harlequin and she requested a synopsis. That's a huge win in my book.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Camp NaNoWriMo - Week 3

Week 3 already? Really wish I could say I was doing well and getting lots done on my next novel, but that would be an untruth. However, I have managed to get other writing and editing done. I've accepted two more stories for the anthology I'm editing. (Time Traveling Coffers) Plus resolved an issue with another story I'm considering. Attended our local ComicCon where my publisher informed me she sold all copies of my book she'd brought with her. Yeah! We also had out of town family visiting. Family is important. Something I'm learning the longer I live.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Camp NaNoWriMo - Week 2

Welcome to the second week of camp. Can't say I've done as well as I'd like. I had three days when I did not write at all. Got side tracked for a day of hitting neighborhood yard sales and then, since I'm editing an anthology, I spent two days reading the final submissions that came in right before the deadline. While my novel is behind, I have managed to write and submit two short stories with fast approaching deadlines. Today, finally, I'm hoping to get back to my novel and make up word counts since I'm lagging so far behind. Particularly since tomorrow, I have out of town family visiting and a local convention to attend on the weekend.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Camp NaNoWriMo - Week 1

Week one of CampNaNoWriMo and I'm already behind. I'm only at a little over 3000 words. However, since I elected to take the weekend off, partially be design and partly because of a horrific lightening and thunder storm - I turned off my computer to keep it safe - one could actually say I'm right on schedule. Several of my fellow campers have checked in and a couple still haven't posted. I'm hoping they didn't get lost during the wilderness hike or maybe they elected to stay around the campfire and eat s'mores. More on this wild summer adventure next week.