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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

AnomalyCon Postscript

 I attended AnomalyCon, our local Steampunk convention over the weekend. I was impressed by the friendly staff, the willingness of the the Conchair to sit and talk with folks, and the impressive number of costumed attendees. I haven't see that many at the local literary conventions for several years.

My first panel World Building, was lively with several other authors making their suggestions on how to build a believable world for your characters to walk around in, without the external details overpowering the story.

I also ran two Writing Workshops, or Prompts, as they were called. Small turnouts for both but the participants learned a great deal. The first was Saturday, Goodnight Colorado, where the writers would compose a travelogue. I expanded it to include traveling other worlds, solar systems, wherever they wanted to set it. The second was with J.A. Campbell on Smart animals. A fun little exercise where instead of a human view point, the piece is written from a critter of choice.

I also had a reading but no one showed up so I spend the time talking with whomever walked by.

Most of the convention I spent talking with fellow writers, sharing news of finished projects of upcoming ones. I also brainstormed a new idea which I will be working on with J.A. Campbell. We're both excited about the project, which we're hoping to have done in time for AnomalyCon next year.

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