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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Slower week

Pace this week has been slower. Started the next chapter for Thunks in the Attic, using one of the scenes that popped into my head. Received the final cover art for Different Dragons 2. Really love it. Also got a copy of the cover art for Tails from the Front Lines. Showed it off at work. Am working with another artist on the cover art for Supernatural Colorado. That one seems to be more difficult to nail down. Have two final versions and am deciding which one I like better.

Now, this Whovian girl will also admit I sacrificed some writing time to watch Doctor number twelve. Would not have missed it for anything. Enjoyed the premiere very much and am excited to see what they do this season.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Exciting Things

Lots of exciting things happened last week.

First off, I found out Supernatural Colorado was rejected by WWC. Within twenty-four hours, it was picked up by WolfSinger Publications, contracts to the authors were sent about forty-eight hours later, and, a second small press offered to backup WSP, if needed.

To say the authors of the stories were thrilled, is an understatement. Many were already doing PR work on Facebook.

I still need to get the back cover copy to publisher. Unfortunately, my work schedule is such that I rarely getting any writing done except on my days off.

Second, I finished the first five chapters of my new book, Thunks in the Attic. I know Sky Warrior Books is thrilled.

Third, I talked with my collaborating author, J.A. Campbell, during Myths and Legends Con about our story. I will be working on it as well.

Fourth, I had so much writing related emails and matters to attend to, I got so overwhelmed, I actually ran away to a friends house. By the end of Saturday, I had them all taken care of, but wow! Everything does so seem to happen at once.

Fifth, I'm getting an opportunity to work with artists on several of my projects. It's experience I wanted, but sometimes it's a bit awkward. Like I'm the middle man, so to speak.

Sixth, I have a story coming out in Tails from the Frontlines. It's a good story and a spin off of my new novel God's Gift. 

Seventh, well, that's a surprise I'll share at a later date. 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Myths and Legends Con

With great anticipation I loaded up my car Friday afternoon and headed for the Myths and Legends Con on the northern end of town. After a white knuckled drive up I25, the one road I am terrified of, and sitting in traffic for an hour and half, I finally pulled into the parking lot of the hotel.

I arrived in time to meet Chris and walked with him inside. He pointed the way to registration and I got my badge, checked into my room, and took my luggage to the fifth floor.

I also discovered I had a table to sell my books. Lucky for me I brought them, along with dragons to give away. I didn't set up Friday night, but I spent the time catching up several other authors. I had two panels. One was on who our favorite Doctor was and who our favorite hero in Harry Potter was. Not many attendees which was nice since we included them in the discussion.

I retired to my room and edited the beginning of my next novel, Thunks in the Attic. I actually slept. I rarely do when I'm at a hotel. Awoke in time for breakfast, which was free and ate with two con goers who recognized my name as one of the authors.

Saturday began with one very early panel on Alien biology. Afterward I checked out of my room, partially repacked my car, and then set up my table. Visited with a new author friend Ashlyn, who I discovered lives not far from me. Am excited and plan to get together with her soon.

I sold two copies of my novel Winter Awakening and one of the anthology Of Fur and Fire. My stock is getting a bit low and so I need get a few more copies. I normally don't because my publisher and I attend the sames cons. I'm also thinking of getting a minion. More on that at a later date.

Talked with my collaborating author Julie, caught up with Peter, Chris, Quincy, Kathryn, Guy, Sam, and several others. A few members of my filk group were there as well. They came by and said hello.

Had to leave early because I worked on Sunday. I was scheduled for one panel that day but Ashlyn covered for me. I'll have to find out how the panel went. It sounded like a good one. Sex and Violence in YA novels.

All in all. A very successful con. Had several authors asking what my next editing project is. Told them they'd have to wait until MileHiCon to find out. I even had one author approach me and want to be included. I'm very stunned, thrilled, and happy at the weekend outcome.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Off ot the publisher

Well, God's Gift is edited and returned to my publisher WolfSinger Publications. I added a dedication and changed my bio. I'm also amazed at what a well written book it is. Then again, I haven't looked at it for over a year. I surprised even myself at how well I covered all the bases, while yet leaving an avenue open for a sequel.

Originally, the book was supposed to be stand alone. However, I got to the end of it and went, but what about...? And so, there will be second, which my publisher has already asked me about. Maybe more, depending on how long it takes me to write the entire story arc.

In the meantime, there are two short stories written in the same universe. Pack Rule which will appear in Tails from the Front line and Homefall Search in the anthology Different Dragons. The characters from the latter will be appearing in the series.

So, I'm taking a breather, a brief one, before I start my next novel.

And if you're at Myths and Legends Con, I will be there Friday evening and Saturday. I'm on a total of four panels, two on each day. Sunday, I have to work. Am looking forward to catching up with friends and making some new ones.